Tuesday, October 11, 2011

WEEK 10 TUTORIAL_feedback

1/ Your brief is descriptive only at this stage. Now you need to consider area /size, spatial relationships and hierarchies (i.e.: the public enter the 'Conference Rooms' via a corridor off the main foyer. They must pass through a security check point before entering this corridor to confirm their invitation to attend). You should also consider any special requirements or equipment (i.e.: lifts from the Ground Floor Level foyer to the Lower Ground Floor) Please refer to my previous email sent to all students today on Common Queries.

2/ Your brief should include a short description about the existing parliamentary committee rooms - how they operate and why they are inadequate or how they could benefit from this additional architecture.

3/ Your brief should also include a more definitive description on the purpose of the new architectural element: How will it operate and by whom? How do the public get to attend the facility (i.e.: by invitation, by ballot)? what is the hierachy of public versus private (staff only) spaces? How many people will it cater for and how many staff are required?

4/ You call your project the 'Committee Room' expansion. I wish to query this as my understanding is that it will have a different, completely separate use to the existing committee rooms as a space that the public will use to interact with the parliament's committee rooms. Have you considered giving your architectural element a name which will define it's purpose better? i.e.: 'Public Awareness Hub' or 'Centre for Public Parliamentary Interaction and Involvement'?

5/ Include some information as to why you are designing the facility underground (i.e.: to ensure unimpeded views to the existing Parliamentary House entrance OR so as not to compete with the imposing existing building OR for sustainability purposes by using the surrounding ground mass to deliver a constant temperature all year round?) I would like to see some information included on how you will light and ventilate this underground facility too.

6/ Please expand on the following proposed rooms by noting how they will be used and by whom:
'Parliamentary display rooms and galleries'
'Central Control System'

7/ Please expand on how and why the 'Conference Rooms' are flexible in their ability to expand and contract. What moves and how? What is the smallest and largest population that can be catered for? Who operates this / sets it up?

8/ Lastly, in thinking further about your project, can the foyer and entrance areas double as your display rooms/galleries? Can these be your 'flexible' spaces? Or the outdoor terrace area we were discussing which you might include off the Cafe to provide breakout space and natural light & air into your building?

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