Friday, October 7, 2011

DEVELOPING_new public committee expansion idea

Public interaction would be easiest from the main access point of Parliament House - the entrance.My new idea is to have underground committee room expansions specifically for the Public interaction, directly out the front of Parliament House.

The new expansion would have two entry and exit points underneath decorative canopies with lifts and escalators to an underneath public space.  It would feature public open areas, 2 individual separate commitee room that can expand and contract - depending on the numbers involved, staff office, technician rooms and toilet facilities.

It would work by receiving live streams and interaction with the Committee Members when in meetings and discussion.  The public would be able to view it live when it occurs, while also being bale to ask questions and receiving answers from the Members.  This would all again be controlled by a CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM.
It would control how big the room needs to be, the live streams and public to committee members interaction (questions etc) and control the problems and issues raised by the public, from home or in person!

The Blue lines show distribution of the live committee meeting in the Senate Chamber Committee Rooms to the public committee rooms and the Red lines is the House of Representatives.  And the circles are the entry/ exit points at each end.

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