Thursday, September 29, 2011

Next stage... Assignment 2. The Place to be: Architectural Proposal

I now have to continue to further evaluated and progress from the first assignment, on the expansion of the Parliamentary Committee Rooms.

Expanding committee rooms due to high demand or popularity, controlled by a central 'nervous' system

The next stage to begin Assignment 2 is to:
  • Develop a brief
  • The 6 s's:
  • Select the site that I intend on occupying/ renovating or starting off from a fresh spot
  • Will we use the existing structure or create/ branch off a new one?
  • And what skin (internal) is required for the committee expansion?
  • Discovering the services that are required for our PROPOSAL
  • What will the spaces be used for and what stuff will occupy these spaces?
6 s's
  • Consider the sustainability options available to protect the environment
  • Consider the geometry of our proposal
  • The option of bring the outside inside and inside to the outside spaces

Outdoor ampitheatre for the Committee Room expansion

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