Saturday, August 20, 2011

Week 3 Tutorial Exercise: VIRTUAL_Capitol Infrastructure and Presence

Strategy 3: Virtual Ideation

Idea -> Story -> Presence -> Support

1. Idea: Virtual Simulation - Perfect Sustainable Day
A simulation room inside of Parliament House to show how a 100% Sustainable Day would appear like in a 'Perfect World'.  The simulation may vary from a 5 minute brief introduction, or a 30 minute more throughout walk-through.

Simulation Goggles that each patron would use to experience the Sustainable Simulation

Story: Sustainability is a major issue amongst not only Australian communities, but also all around the world.  It is also a major topic of discussion in the Parliament system at the moment with the possible introduction of the Carbon Tax.  However, some people aren't completely sure what 'sustainable living' is.  This virtual simulation will allow an opportunity to experience this possible sustainable living requirements.  It will offer guidance to how scientists and politicians believe we should be living to make the world 100% sustainable and making the future look brighter!

Presence: It will be an eye-opening experience for some and not as enjoyable for others, because they may have other sustainable beliefs.  It is designed to help assist in future living patterns and how we should be trying to help out the environment, rather than destroying it like we currently are.

Support:  It will be supported structurally by using a regular room inside of parliament to make a virtual simulation for the patrons.  The room will simply just have to contain a few chairs and a pair of simulation goggles for each of the uses, however the goggles will have to be specially designed and have the 100% sustainable day simulated onto each pair.  It will be funded by the Greens Party and also with the help of Scientists and sustainable living experts.

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