Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Developing the 'Underground' Public Committee Ideation

The arrangement above shows where on the Parliamentary site that I propose to use for my Public Committee Expansion.  My idea involves to above ground entry points to enter down to the underground area for the public interaction spaces - conference committee rooms etc.  It is proposed to be underground to save some space and to not interfere with the existing Parliament House facade and entrance, however but still acts as a interesting and exploratory structure.

Above is a floor plan schematic and a rough section of what it may look like.  The floor plans is pretty self explanative, it has the committee interaction conference rooms on one side and other public interaction and relaxing spaces on the other.  There is as mentioned above, 2 entry points at each end of the proposal.  And the section just shows that everything for the committee interaction and public spaces is underground, with two canopy structures for the entry/ exits - lifts and escape stairs!  

The diagrams above are just showing what the canopy structure may look like at each entry and exit point, and how the process from voicing your problems all the way through to interaction publicly with the committee room members.  

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